Building your ‘brand’ as a nonprofit communications pro [#NPMC chat]
When you think of the ‘big names’ in nonprofit marketing communications, who comes to mind?
Are you drawing a complete blank? Or, are you coming up with the names of consultants vs. people working inside nonprofit organizations? That makes sense. While those of us running businesses must build ‘marketing ourselves’ into our day-to-day work, you’re spending 9-to-5-and-then-some raising the profile of your nonprofit organization – not yourself!
But, as an in-house pro, if you can carve out time to build up your profile, you should. There are professional advantages to people knowing who you are and having a sense of your track record. For example:
- Better profile and a stronger network can help when you’re ready for a new role either within your organization or at a new one.
- Like it or not, external validation helps! Being recognized in your field creates a cycle, positioning you as a candidate for professional development opportunities – or for bigger ticket course, certificates or conferences than you can currently access.
- If you’re interested in skill-stretching opportunities, like writing or teaching gigs, a stronger professional brand will help to open doors.
How some nonprofit communicators have established their brands
There are a number of in-house nonprofit communicators who seem to have established themselves as leaders in the profession. And here are some of the things they are doing:
- Maintaining an active presence on LinkedIn (either their personal feed, or by posting on behalf of their organization)
- Delivering webinars for their organization or for partners
- Speaking at conferences or events
- Participating in online conversations like Facebook groups, Twitter chats, Google+ communities
- Sharing their knowledge and experience by blogging for sites like this one [shameless plug: see our editorial guidelines]
- Mentoring others in the field
- Regularly attending or organizing networking events
- Collaborating with book authors, bloggers and others to have their nonprofit marcom activities – and their role in the success – featured as case studies
Let’s talk about building your profile at #NPMC chat
What can you do in your limited ‘extra time’ to establish a profile for yourself? To be recognized for your work and skills? What activities are possible, comfortable or attractive to you and how can you fit them in? Do you need to think of activities that also support your organization at the same time?
Bring your questions and insights about building your ‘brand’ as a nonprofit communicator to the February #NPMC Twitter chat on Thursday, February 25 at 1:00 p.m. ET.