The Nonprofit MarCommunity is a place to learn from and share knowledge with peers. It’s a place to feel part of a community people delivering nonprofit marketing communications.

If you deliver nonprofit marketing communications – as an employee, as a volunteer, as a teeny tiny part of your broader role – our goal is to make your job easier!

What we offer

Here is a glimpse of what you’ll get from this site:

  • You’ll glean insights from the experiences of your peers through profiles, case studies and expert interviews.
  • We’ll help you with your day-to-day activities with our practical how-to articles on all things nonprofit marketing communications.
  • We’ll help you to figure out the most valuable learning opportunities, research studies and tools through our book, research and product reviews.

What you can offer

With your help, our library of content will keep on growing! How? Because, you have something to share:

  • If you are a seasoned nonprofit marketing communications veteran, you can share your knowledge, experience and insights.
  • If you are new to the workforce or nonprofit sector (or just love ongoing learning), you can share topic ideas you’d like us to cover.
  • If you are a supplier specializing in nonprofit marketing communications, you can share your in-depth expertise on your specialty.
  • If you are an awesome writer, you can showcase your skills by authoring case studies, profiles and more for us.

And we also want to hear from you…

  • If you have learned lessons the hard way.
  • If you are learning those lessons right now and are willing to share.
  • If you are a jack-of-all-trades and can share your additional perspectives and reality checks (hello programs, volunteer development and fund development)!

Find out more about contributing content and again, welcome!