- Welcome to #NPMC chat! Today's topic is "paying for reach on social media" http://bit.ly/1BE0l19
- I’m Joyce, Communications Lead at @techsoupcanada and host for the next hour #NPMC
- @silverbell Always great to see you, Yesenia! Thx for joining #NPMC today :)
- Joining #NPMC chat momentarily - tweet volume will spike - jump in w/ ideas on paid social media for nonprofits! https://twitter.com/mo_flow/status/614101633874677762 …
- @techsoupcanada work primarily with #FaithBased & #NGO utilsing multiple tools and #socialmedia platforms #NPMC
- @mayawalkca Love what you do. Thx for joining #NPMC today!
- I'm Marlene Oliveira, (nonprofit copywriter in Toronto) happy to welcome @techsoupcanada as today's #NPMC chat facilitator.
- @annietasker Great to have you, Annie. Excited to hear your perspective on social media reach! #NPMC
- @annietasker would love to hear more about the programme: link? #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @annietasker Of course! Today's topic is "paying for reach on social media" http://bit.ly/1BE0l19 #npmc
- Hi, #NPMC. I'm RoiAnn, and I manage comms for @HealthConnctOne, a national, Chicago-based NPO advancing peer-to-peer support for new fam's.
- Hi everyone:) Sarah here, Comms Coordinator for @threadsoflifeca, joining from northern Ontario. Looking forward to today's #NPMC chat!
- A1: On behalf of @CantataBestLife, I post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. (ranked in order of ROI) #npmc
- A1. At @techsoupcanada we're actively on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and SlideShare #NPMC
- @OPgrrl @HealthConnctOne thx for the #NPO #hashtag havebeen using #NonProfit. Much more elegant! #NPMC
- @silverbell Interesting! What was your goal with your Twitter paid reach? #NPMC
- Interesting! RT @silverbell A1B: Yes. I found Twitter was a winner, LinkedIn was a loser and Facebook was too complicated. #npmc
- @techsoupcanada Q1b currently paying on FB - makes great difference. Also use that to migrate to other existing platforms. #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada I was promoting a webinar. It worked like a charm! #npmc
- @SarahWheelan We're in the same boat :) Has it ever crossed your strategies or has it been ruled out by budget? #NPMC
- @SarahWheelan Getting the results you want without paying? #NPMC
- MT @SeattleSeneca A1: We actively promote on FB, haven't tried others. Mostly because I'm not as comfortable with the other platforms. #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada We haven't yet been able to make the case. It's come to a stage where we need to look at it as a strategy tho! #npmc
- @silverbell I have too. But from different Facebook ad expert, heard 'never use the boost post option'. #NPMC
- @silverbell Haven't tried but it certainly fits with how the new FB algorithm works #NPMC
- @silverbell yes for me - best implementation and traceability. Plus plays nice as a portal to other #SocialMedia platforms #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada *sigh* Yes. It's part of their "business plan" #npmc
- @SarahWheelan my understanding is that you're doing well organically, the answer is YES - you'll be pleased with boost in paid reach. #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca What type of paid reach have you used on FB? #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada Yes, our paid reach goal was to increase web traffic on narrow topic our FB friends care about. #NPMC
- @SherryCalder @mo_flow @silverbell No problem! Hopefully we'll see you in the next #NPMC chat (July 30 1pm EDT)
- @techsoupcanada promoted our page, boosting posts, and some other targeted advertising. #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada A2 increase presence/awareness that our values align with demographic whose radar we are not on! #NPMC
- A2. If @techsoupcanada were to pay for reach, I'd like to see hard conversions - translate to donations, new members etc. #NPMC
- @mayawalkca Great goal! What kind of metrics would you look for to determine if your paid reach succeeded in increased awareness? #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca @techsoupcanada Well, I can say that it is much cheaper to use FB ads than Adwords. So we are using FB too #NPMC
- @silverbell So true. It's hard to measure straight conversions with channels other than FB or Twitter #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada Numbers - obviously - & also engagement - in particular shares. Easy to track the reach beyond our own core #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada A2 donations not the goal - awareness in my context is #NPMC
- @mayawalkca Would your call to action be visiting your website? (i.e. increase in web traffic = increase awareness?) #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada one metric indeed. Also the organic nature of seeing increased traffic across platform when dialogue happens #NPMC
- MT @mayawalkca: The organic nature of seeing increased traffic across platform when dialogue happens is one measurement of success #NPMC
- Love it RT @SeattleSeneca A2: We offer a lot of free events, so we use social media to raise awareness and drive attendance. #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca Same here. Now I wonder though how many in attendance come because they see the event on social media? #NPMC
- @JohannaSedgwick @SeattleSeneca You can always ask them how they heard of your event and list your social media channels #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada Now you got me thinking! #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca the best way is to communicate with them or encourage them to left a comment by saying "please comment" #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca I've had success posting open questions. For @CantataBestLife "What's your favorite part of getting older?" worked well #npmc
- @hopespringH2O Love that focus on data. 1 reason why we love Google AdWords + Google Analytics integration http://bit.ly/16FX5DJ #NPMC
- RT @techsoupcanada Q3. How can you assess whether it’s worth experimenting with paid reach on social? #NPMC
- @hopespringH2O what analytics do you use? #NPMC
- If you want to try to reach a new audience, that's the best judgement with experimenting on paid reach #NPMC https://twitter.com/techsoupcanada/status/614123630142861313 …
- @SeattleSeneca Just generally on social? Staff and Board members share on personal pages - for us, that's where real dialogue happens. #NPMC
- @JohannaSedgwick can be hard to measure. We often do surveys, but that only captures a small slice of attendees. #NPMC
- RT @hopespringH2O A3. We pay a lot attention to analytics. So we must know exactly what kind of paid advertising brings the result. #npmc
- @techsoupcanada yeah and for nonprofits Adwords also giving $10,000/month grant: http://www.temi.uk/free-google-ads-for-charities/ … #NPMC
- @mayawalkca We mostly using Google Analytics and Yandex Metrika. #NPMC
- @mo_flow @techsoupcanada A3. How can you not? Not #argumentative. It's the doorway into #individualised world Not there = not relevant #NPMC
- @mayawalkca True. Can actually be much more cost-effective vs print/broadcast media options. #NPMC
- @SeattleSeneca What matters to them? When you post about THAT, shoot one of them an email, ask for share. That's how I engaged staff. #NPMC
- @JohannaSedgwick we have multiple touch points, so having options of how they heard about the event lets us know which are working. #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada A4 engagement (i.e. discussion on FB) is the best metric.Numbers good, but seeing people discussing, sharing = best! #NPMC
- A4. Follow @SeattleSeneca's success w/event promotion. Compare results from print vs paid social, for example. #NPMC
- @hopespringH2O @SeattleSeneca I see it as building habits. After awhile, the habit "takes" and send fewer screenshot emails :) #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @techsoupcanada not usually since I know some pages where people communicate perfectly but do not visit a site... #npmc
- @SeattleSeneca @JohannaSedgwick For us, email is by far the largest event & webinar driver. Wouldn't have known if we didn't survey! #NPMC
- @hopespringH2O @techsoupcanada that's also why I like to use a garden metaphor for platforms - all complement not either/or #NPMC
- @OPgrrl @hopespringH2O @SeattleSeneca Screenshot emails! lol I feel they'll never quite fade away ...#npmc
- @techsoupcanada @SeattleSeneca @JohannaSedgwick for me too. When I receive some email that interests me, I mark it as important. #npmc
- @hopespringH2O @mayawalkca @techsoupcanada Social chatting is still engagement - still brand awareness - still good, no? #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @hopespringH2O Agreed! There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Gotta build your own social arsenal that works 4 you #NPMC
- @techsoupcanada @OPgrrl @hopespringH2O @SeattleSeneca think I've sent at least 10 so far this week ;) #npmc
- @OPgrrl @hopespringH2O @techsoupcanada I assume that was #rhetorical? Yes, yes, yes ... did I say yes? ;) #NPMC
- @OPgrrl @mayawalkca @techsoupcanada exactly. Look at how many engagement we receive in this chat, right now! #npmc
- A4 in the UK we have access to lots of great case studies via Culture Hive http://ow.ly/2btHfD #npmc
- @hopespringH2O @OPgrrl @techsoupcanada great #RealLife example! When I tell people monthly event their assumption fade RE:#SocialMedia #NPMC
- Great tip from @eebeejay & @hopespringH2O: Use http://bit.ly/1BEcQdc to access great nonprofit case studies #NPMC #nptech
- @techsoupcanada A5 power of demonstrating #SocielMedia not metrics but engagement - just like right now with #NPMC the rest follows ;)
- A5. Really consider paid ads on FB & use CultureHive http://bit.ly/1BEcQdc to draw inspiration! #NPMC
- A4. We definitely appreciated the examples of paid reach that actually worked for a nonprofit. #NPMC https://twitter.com/techsoupcanada/status/614129243627368448 …
- Yes! RT @hopespringH2O A5. Great chat was. The most important key lesson is to be sure you spend money on something that converting. #npmc
- @mayawalkca digital marketing and fundraising resources from @amadigital and @audienceagents http://culturehive.co.uk #npmc
- @eebeejay @amadigital @audienceagents if I could I would sing #Awesome in 140 characters! #NPMC #Gratitude
- @hopespringH2O @mo_flow Oh, that's $10K free for you to spend More info here: http://bit.ly/1ptguuM #npmc
- Thank you everyone for a great chat! Chat archives will be posted soon at http://bit.ly/1BEewU3 #NPMC