- Welcome to #NPMC chat, everyone! Our topic today: nonprofit content marketing goals & evaluation http://ow.ly/yrIKg
- Entering live chat on #contentmarketing goal setting and evaluation. #nonprofit communicators follow along with #NPMC
- Joining #NPMC chat on #contentmarketing
- That you to @girardinl for setting the stage for this conversation and for forming the bulk of the chat questions. #npmc
- #NPO #marketers and #communicators - Join us now for #NPMC chat about #contentmarketing goals & evaluation!
- Marketing & Events coordinator @CentreHistory .org #NPMC
- I’m Marlene Oliveira, of @NPMarCommunity and #NPMC chat. Also copywriter & communications consultant to nonprofits.
- @mayawalkca @Kelgon @NoahZKravitz @linewireink @roudenko Glad to be able to chat with you all today! #NPMC
- #npmc Online Community and Communications Manager for @CACL_ACIC
- I manage comms for national nonprofit based in Chicago - @HealthConnctOne - supporting new families in pregnancy, birth, bfing... #npmc
- Community Manager & Fundraising Coordinator @Furniture_Bank here. Recently profiled on @NPMarCommunity blog! http://bit.ly/1o74sZq #NPMC
- @NoahZKravitz Did you decide on those goals as an organization? Who weighed in? #npmc
- @linewireink I like where you're heading with those goals. I can already think of ways to measure if you're successful #NPMC
- @girardinl Love it! There has to be thrill in the work we do #NPMC
- @girardinl We have been measuring by successes at the moment rather than stats, it works well for us. #NPMC
- @girardinl LOVE the new "T"! #npmc
- @linewireink What works is the best measurement! Though, do u feel like at the moment measures make u too reactive? #NPMC
- @NoahZKravitz I SO want to hear more about that. We're in that process right now and I'm meant to lead and ... what? REALLY?! how? #npmc
- @LiteracyLetters Sounds like there was a lesson learned here... #npmc
- @girardinl hopefully this helps http://nonprofitmarcommunity.com/noah-kravitz-profile/ … let's discuss further (more than 140 char) #NPMC
- @girardinl at the moment no we had that problem in the past we were measuring by stats at the time, successes has changed that #NPMC
- @OPgrrl @NoahZKravitz Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC pic.twitter.com/4dMRxO89sK
- Love it! MT Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC pic.twitter.com/MeHsaMCwzZ
- @tippingptphoto We are talking about deciding on content marketing goals - your org's and which are shared by your audience #npmc
- @LiteracyLetters I think that's been the case around here, too (most nonprofits, actually!)... #NPMC
- @linewireink Huzzah! Glad to hear that balancing proactive & reactive measurement is on your mind. Both CAN be strategic #NPMC
- @girardinl @OPgrrl @NoahZKravitz the gift of humour and the 'Columbo' swagger helps imho :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbo #NPMC
- @tippingptphoto @LiteracyLetters @mo_flow It's a tough lesson to learn, but as long as you improve from it, it's a step on the path #NPMC
- Then, we hired a #millennial who helped us think about goals, strategy & including the team. You CAN teach old dogs new tricks! #npmc
- @LiteracyLetters Including the team in goals, strategy AND content development? Please say more. #NPMC
- Hi all! Digital communications manager for @FirstBook here! :) Sorry I'm late! #npmc
- @girardinl @Kelgon @mayawalkca @mo_flow This strategy (and its name) are brilliant! (Right?) :o) #NPMC
- @linewireink love to see some Commuity Living examples. #NPMC
- @JohannaSedgwick the excitement is energising and so worth nurturing and - more importantly sharing imo :) #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @tippingptphoto We write profiles of clients employed in the community & get photos of them on-the-job #NPMC
- @LiteracyLetters I am all about stories! #NPMC
- MT @LiteracyLetters inspirational stories about adult students, like this Love Letter to #Literacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxKjEgXTFWQ … #NPMC
- @homelesshub loves to use infographics and other images to share content. We even have a specific day devoted - Wednesday #npmc
- For those interested in more effective storytelling, @getstoried is a great resource! #NPMC
- @LiteracyLetters Can you explain what makes the story inspirational for those of us who can't watch the video right now? #npmc
- @NoahZKravitz http://readywillingable.ca/stories-list/ is one of many examples from the CL movement #npmc
- @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Do yr slideshows engage? I read that homepage sliders do not work, wonder abt in other content #NPMC
- @girardinl @mayawalkca @Kelgon You mean "do not work" in terms of engagement? Or don't work from tech perspective? #NPMC
- @JenniferCharney This sounds AWESOME. Interactivity=fantastic, though perhaps not cheap to implement...any idea on the ROI for yr org? #NPMC
- @girardinl @tippingptphoto @Kelgon I have found sliders are helpful - but usually for returning/newly acquired audience #npmc
- @mayawalkca @mo_flow Surveys,email signups (new prospects). #npmc. We also produce ecards: http://community.savetheredwoods.org/site/PageNavigator/redwoods_ecards.html …
- @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Data hounds found that homepage sliders do not work in terms of engagement. Clicks on slides nil #NPMC
- @NoahZKravitz Thx, Noah! Bye! #npmc
- @NoahZKravitz ciao - thx for sharing! #NPMC
- @JenniferCharney @mayawalkca @mo_flow Ah! I love Save the Redwoods. First nonprofit I "met" when I moved to San Francisco in 1998! #NPMC
- @girardinl @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Interesting. I would love to learn more on why. #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @tippingptphoto @Kelgon That's a great understanding, that one format of delivering content does not work for everyone #NPMC
- @roudenko @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Yoast (makes #1 Wordpress SEO plugin) on why sliders don't work http://bit.ly/1pSQOKU #NPMC
- @linewireink Heck, that meaningful type of measurement ultimately matters more than any aggregate stats! #NPMC
- @mayawalkca @roudenko @tippingptphoto @Kelgon reasons go beyond SEO, but that's one "data hound" guy. Actually abt audience experience #NPMC
- @girardinl @roudenko @mayawalkca @Kelgon WOW, timing on this couldn't have been more perfect. Website redesign commences immediately! #NPMC
- @girardinl exactly why we moved away from focusing on the voodoo of trying to make content viral and relying only on analytics #npmc
- +1,000! MT @marissapaige a5 show board/execs that compelling CONTENT is more effective for engagement than "we're so great!" msgs #npmc
- A5 Share measurements by showing how they connect to goals—with a strategic measurement worksheet: http://bit.ly/strategicmeasurement … #NPMC
- ^1million! MT @marissapaige a5 show board/execs that compelling CONTENT is more effective for engagement than "we're so great!" msgs #NPMC
- MT @JenniferCharney A6. #npmc Google Analytics, Convio Luminate to count number of email signups, downloads of ebooks.
- @linewireink Always ask: viral for whom? For most NPs, viral doesn't matter if viral w/wrong audience. Quality v Quanity #NPMC
- A6 No one tool does it all! I'm tempted to go retro. REALLY retro. #NPMC pic.twitter.com/17GsvU02lR
- @girardinl @linewireink What happens after content goes viral. Does it really make a difference? Or get forgotten? #npmc
- @JohannaSedgwick Smart peeps on this chat, right? Amazed you managed to take notes alongside. :) #npmc
- @tippingptphoto Sprout Social will answer Qs in a Reddit AMA in /r/socialmedia on 6/27 2-5pm CT http://bit.ly/1k1KrUw #NPMC
- A7. I'm starting to think @girardinl is an actual encyclopedia. #npmc
- A7: My takeaways from #NPMC Chat: @roudenko ‘s infographic day, @getstoried as a resource, #appreciativeinquiry. Thank you!
- Thank you for a great chat all! Chat archives will be posted soon at http://ow.ly/qmZRO People want a July chat? #npmc
- @girardinl We sure will! But always happy to answer questions here as well. :) Thanks for checkin' us out, @tippingptphoto! #NPMC
- @girardinl we feel the goal of viral content is like hunting for a diamond in a mudbath, its nice if it happens but its not the goal #npmc
- I've learned that I should come back again! Such great ideas & info. Thanks @NPMarCommunity #npmc