#NPMC chat - June 26, 2014

Content marketing goal setting and evaluation for nonprofits

  1. Welcome to #NPMC chat, everyone! Our topic today: nonprofit content marketing goals & evaluation  http://ow.ly/yrIKg 
  2. Please excuse the temporarily excessive tweets. I'm co-hosting the #NPMC chat on nonprofit content marketing starting...NOW! #nptech
  3. Entering live chat on #contentmarketing goal setting and evaluation. #nonprofit communicators follow along with #NPMC
  4. Joining #NPMC chat content marketing for nonprofits
  5. That you to @girardinl for setting the stage for this conversation and for forming the bulk of the chat questions. #npmc
  6. Many here already! Intro time: pls tell us a little about you. #npmc
  7. @mo_flow My pleasure Marlene! The last tweetchat on content marketing were so rich, glad we can focus on measurement #NPMC
  8. I’m Marlene Oliveira, of @NPMarCommunity and #NPMC chat. Also copywriter & communications consultant to nonprofits.
  9. @mo_flow #NPMC currently working in faith based context #wpgpres both internally & externally & share work of #1hopewpg in #winnipeg
  10. #npmc Online Community and Communications Manager for @CACL_ACIC
  11. I'm having trouble with Twubs. Will try to follow along as best as I can! #NPMC chat
  12. I manage comms for national nonprofit based in Chicago - @HealthConnctOne - supporting new families in pregnancy, birth, bfing... #npmc
  13. #NPMC I'm a marketing/comms strategist & trainer to nonprofits, foundations & others who inspire. Chillin' in San Francisco.
  14. Community Manager & Fundraising Coordinator @Furniture_Bank here. Recently profiled on @NPMarCommunity blog!  http://bit.ly/1o74sZq  #NPMC
  15. Awesome group today already. Let's get started... #npmc
  16. Q1. What organizational goals are you working to achieve through your content? How did you choose these goals? #npmc
  17. For those new to #NPMC chat, we’re using Q/A format - we post questions using Q1, Q2, etc. You respond by using A1, A2, etc. Thx!
  18. @mo_flow A1 Goals set by Executive volunteer group & I then implement into actuality. Current goal is new team-mate to fund-raise #NPMC
  19. A1: Not getting into specifics our goal with content is always to educate, entertain and inspire! #NPMC
  20. Hello everyone! I'm the mktg specialist for a small nonprofit #NPMC
  21. @NoahZKravitz Did you decide on those goals as an organization? Who weighed in? #npmc
  22. A1. Content goals incl. amplifying community health worker voices, inspiring our partners & prospective partners, marketing programs #NPMC
  23. A1 disseminate information, create engagement and generate revenue #NPMC
  24. @mayawalkca @mo_flow Have you decided what the fundraising is for? I always try to put a "why" behind the $ #NPMC
  25. @linewireink I like where you're heading with those goals. I can already think of ways to measure if you're successful #NPMC
  26. A1 When I help orgs set goals, make 'em SMART=Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant—& Thrilling! Yup, redefined the T! #NPMC
  27. @mo_flow @girardinl why 2 answers: one pragmatic other - passion driven: because it changes lives by allowing diversity to be embraced #NPMC
  28. @mo_flow it was decided as a group to empower all staff and volunteers to engage in marketing activities #NPMC
  29. @mo_flow Decided goals based on org's Annual Plan and in conversation with Exec Director. #NPMC
  30. @girardinl Love it! There has to be thrill in the work we do #NPMC
  31. @OPgrrl Ooh, I love the amplify voices one. Really helps your communications to be authentic #NPMC
  32. @girardinl We have been measuring by successes at the moment rather than stats, it works well for us. #NPMC
  33. @OPgrrl @mo_flow both a philosophy and data acquisition process grounded in consensus and story of participants  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appreciative_inquiry  #NPMC
  34. Q2. Which of your content marketing goals are shared by your priority audiences? #npmc
  35. @linewireink What works is the best measurement! Though, do u feel like at the moment measures make u too reactive? #NPMC
  36. When we first started marketing, we sent out a bunch of great content without much thought... #NPMC
  37. @NoahZKravitz I SO want to hear more about that. We're in that process right now and I'm meant to lead and ... what? REALLY?! how? #npmc
  38. @mo_flow A2 currently not at stage to set goals. Priority audience totally new context in which to share our content. Exciting times! #npmc
  39. @Kelgon @OPgrrl Yes, goals have to be thrilling. Otherwise u won't stay motivated when the going gets tough, as it often can #NPMC
  40. A2 disseminate information and engagement #npmc
  41. @girardinl at the moment no we had that problem in the past we were measuring by stats at the time, successes has changed that #NPMC
  42. @OPgrrl @NoahZKravitz Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC http://t.co/4dMRxO89sK
    @OPgrrl @NoahZKravitz Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC pic.twitter.com/4dMRxO89sK
  43. Love it! MT Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC http://t.co/MeHsaMCwzZ
    Love it! MT Empowering stakeholders to be engaged in marcomm can feel like this #NPMC pic.twitter.com/MeHsaMCwzZ
  44. @tippingptphoto We are talking about deciding on content marketing goals - your org's and which are shared by your audience #npmc
  45. @LiteracyLetters I think that's been the case around here, too (most nonprofits, actually!)... #NPMC
  46. @linewireink Huzzah! Glad to hear that balancing proactive & reactive measurement is on your mind. Both CAN be strategic #NPMC
  47. @mayawalkca @mo_flow We aren't either. Waiting to see what direction the state takes w/ regard to what we do #NPMC
  48. @tippingptphoto @LiteracyLetters @mo_flow It's a tough lesson to learn, but as long as you improve from it, it's a step on the path #NPMC
  49. Q3. What types of content can advance your goals AND offer value to audiences? Try to be specific to your org + why #npmc
  50. Then, we hired a #millennial who helped us think about goals, strategy & including the team. You CAN teach old dogs new tricks! #npmc
  51. A2. Goals shared by segments of our audience include amplifying community voices, sharing inspiration for the work ... #NPMC
  52. A2: Content that contextualizes and adds depth to your mission. Mission in action, posts addressing q's + showing impact #NPMC
  53. @mo_flow A3. Content that informs but also includes a call to action. #NPMC
  54. Sounds like audiences want your content when it informs, engages, inspires, communicates impact. #npmc
  55. @Kelgon @mayawalkca @mo_flow Sometimes called "backasswards" strategy & metrics, where you, ahem, back into your strategy #NPMC
  56. @girardinl we think a lot about responding vs reacting at cacl_acic in terms of our content. @NPMC #NPMC
  57. @LiteracyLetters Including the team in goals, strategy AND content development? Please say more. #NPMC
  58. A3 I think sharing resources, even not your own, help audience & establish your org as "go-to" #npmc
  59. Hi all! Digital communications manager for @FirstBook here! :) Sorry I'm late! #npmc
  60. @mo_flow A3 Content that connects values. We know intended priority audience shares our values. Goal is to make clear with content #NPMC
  61. A3 Content in that special, strategic overlap between what yr org has to say & what yr audiences want to hear #NPMC
  62. A3 Success stories! Showing clients w/ disabilities who have successful jobs in the community #NPMC
  63. @Kelgon The narrative about a real person is incredibly powerful, especially with a compelling visual component. #NPMC
  64. @btrfly12 Yes, @homelesshub is also all about sharing resources and making content more accessible! #npmc
  65. @Kelgon A3: Great point! Doing all you can to make donor hero of that success story give it even MORE impact! #NPMC
  66. Hello to the many just joining. Very happy to see you all! #npmc
  67. To meet goals, this group is sharing content that shows impact & mission in action, posts addressing q's, success/personal stories #npmc
  68. A3 success stories in the community living movement has always been our strategy from pre digital print newsletter days to now. #npmc
  69. I am still in the learning phase. Q3 really has me thinking though! Excited! #npmc
  70. @btrfly12Any specific examples from your org? #npmc
  71. @btrfly12 Exactly what you need if leadership or credibility are in yr goals (esp w/fundraising, donors want u to b credible) #NPMC
  72. @JohannaSedgwick the excitement is energising and so worth nurturing and - more importantly sharing imo :) #NPMC
  73. @mayawalkca @Kelgon As far as the visuals (that's my specialty), using photo/aud/vid to emphasize or expand upon what text says. #NPMC
  74. Our audience likes inspirational stories about adult students, like this Love Letter to #Literacy:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxKjEgXTFWQ  #NPMC
  75. @mayawalkca @tippingptphoto We write profiles of clients employed in the community & get photos of them on-the-job #NPMC
  76. @mayawalkca @Kelgon So, a photo slideshow within a blog post, a podcasted interview to accompany a mission statement... #NPMC
  77. @NoahZKravitz @Kelgon Absolutely. Hard for most nonprofits to remember: don't always talk about themselves in content #NPMC
  78. @homelesshub loves to use infographics and other images to share content. We even have a specific day devoted - Wednesday #npmc
  79. @tippingptphoto @Kelgon Thx! so images that complement text - would that also include meme-like refinement? #NPMC
  80. For those interested in more effective storytelling, @getstoried is a great resource! #NPMC
  81. @LiteracyLetters Can you explain what makes the story inspirational for those of us who can't watch the video right now? #npmc
  82. Q4. What will you measure to know whether your content is helping you achieve your goals? #npmc
  83. @roudenko @homelesshub Infographics is one of most successful content types in terms of shares. But, anyone understand why? #NPMC
  84. @mo_flow for me, keeping tabs on cancer space beyond a specific cancer and share webinars, infographics, new guidebooks, etc. #npmc
  85. MT @btrfly12 @mo_flow keeping tabs on cancer space beyond a specific cancer and share webinars, infographics, new guidebooks, etc. #npmc
  86. A4: I know there are other metrics to look at, but I look for engagement. Did your audience follow your call to action? #npmc
  87. @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Do yr slideshows engage? I read that homepage sliders do not work, wonder abt in other content #NPMC
  88. @mo_flow A4 various metric engagements, stories that arise in various physical locations of new involvments, intentional survey tools #NPMC
  89. @mayawalkca @tippingptphoto No really bc we aren't on a lot of social media channels yet #NPMC
  90. @mo_flow also keep tabs on "competitors" in space & promote non-competing but useful resources - harder to get exec buy-in on that... #npmc
  91. A3: Surveys say our ppl want photos, parks info. We provided ebooks, interactive map of parks, things to do there.#npmc
  92. @girardinl @mayawalkca @Kelgon You mean "do not work" in terms of engagement? Or don't work from tech perspective? #NPMC
  93. A4. Measuring # of community stories, increases in engagement across channels, & shares/retweets, etc. to see if content is resonating #NPMC
  94. a4: set up a landing page that all C2A's lead to. Through google analytics see where have come from &how many #npmc
  95. @JenniferCharney This sounds AWESOME. Interactivity=fantastic, though perhaps not cheap to implement...any idea on the ROI for yr org? #NPMC
  96. Q4 successes like if we tag an associated person in that story and they share that story. simple things not stats at the moment #NPMC
  97. #NPMC chat is ROCKIN w/too many side conversations to count. Who says things slow down in the summer? :)
  98. @girardinl @tippingptphoto @Kelgon I have found sliders are helpful - but usually for returning/newly acquired audience #npmc
  99. A4 Strategically measure content @ each step on this spectrum: Capacity > Activity > Reach > Engagement > Impact. #NPMC
  100. @tippingptphoto @mayawalkca @Kelgon Data hounds found that homepage sliders do not work in terms of engagement. Clicks on slides nil #NPMC
  101. Need to chime out for a ppointment. Thanks for all the #NPMC tweet gems!
  102. Q5. What do/will you do with your content marketing metrics/results? #npmc
  103. @mo_flow Thank god I over caffeinated. Wait, that might be a contributing factor to tweetchat's lively pace! #NPMC
  104. @JenniferCharney @mayawalkca @mo_flow Ah! I love Save the Redwoods. First nonprofit I "met" when I moved to San Francisco in 1998! #NPMC
  105. @mayawalkca @tippingptphoto @Kelgon That's a great understanding, that one format of delivering content does not work for everyone #NPMC
  106. A5 If you can get in the board packet, it is "scary" but in the long run good to be on their minds :) #npmc
  107. Q5 use it to look at how we can improve engagement and deliver better content to our audiences #npmc
  108. A5. I share metrics/results w/ key staff, to help us re-shape goals, do more of what works and less of what doesn't, build r'ships... #NPMC
  109. @mo_flow A5 harness, celebrate & learn. Take back to Executive groups to encourage further involvement internally to reach externally #NPMC
  110. @linewireink Heck, that meaningful type of measurement ultimately matters more than any aggregate stats! #NPMC
  111. a5) show board & execs that compelling CONTENT is more effective for audience engagement than "rah rah we're so great!" messages :) #npmc
  112. @mayawalkca @roudenko @tippingptphoto @Kelgon reasons go beyond SEO, but that's one "data hound" guy. Actually abt audience experience #NPMC
  113. A5 Use to show how some channels work & some don't & encourage branching out to different channels #NPMC
  114. @girardinl @roudenko @mayawalkca @Kelgon WOW, timing on this couldn't have been more perfect. Website redesign commences immediately! #NPMC
  115. @mo_flow We use them to refine our content. We produce more of the content audience likes. #npmc
  116. @girardinl exactly why we moved away from focusing on the voodoo of trying to make content viral and relying only on analytics #npmc
  117. +1,000! MT @marissapaige a5 show board/execs that compelling CONTENT is more effective for engagement than "we're so great!" msgs #npmc
  118. Q6. What tools do/will you use to measure your content marketing success? #npmc
  119. A5. Make the case to stakeholders to spend more time on content marketing! Not seen as valuable/high ROI at present. #NPMC
  120. Q6 we are still trying to figure that out as its a success model so at the moment it is a manual process of reporting successes #npmc
  121. As an aside for anyone looking at the transcript later, play, "Figure out when @mo_flow's mouse battery died and she scrambled". #npmc
  122. A5 Share measurements by showing how they connect to goals—with a strategic measurement worksheet:  http://bit.ly/strategicmeasurement  #NPMC
  123. ^1million! MT @marissapaige a5 show board/execs that compelling CONTENT is more effective for engagement than "we're so great!" msgs #NPMC
  124. @mo_flow Q6 I have now entered learning mode from the rest of you ... #NPMC
  125. @mo_flow #npmc Google Analytics, Convio Luminate to count number of email signups, downloads of ebooks.
  126. MT @JenniferCharney A6. #npmc Google Analytics, Convio Luminate to count number of email signups, downloads of ebooks.
  127. @linewireink Always ask: viral for whom? For most NPs, viral doesn't matter if viral w/wrong audience. Quality v Quanity #NPMC
  128. A6 Exploring Sprout Social as possible option for metrics measurement. Also interested in +program attend., + brand recognition #NPMC
  129. A6. Tools for measurement: Analytics on each channel & informal feedback from program team, leadership, Board, external stakeholders #NPMC
  130. Yikes! Our time is already almost up. Any key learnings? #npmc
  131. Q7. What stood out for you in today’s chat? What do you want to put into practice? #npmc
  132. A6 No one tool does it all! I'm tempted to go retro. REALLY retro. #NPMC http://t.co/17GsvU02lR
    A6 No one tool does it all! I'm tempted to go retro. REALLY retro. #NPMC pic.twitter.com/17GsvU02lR
  133. A7 Gotta get back to basics and have a strategy/plan to get internal buy-in and subsequent staff time to implement #NPMC
  134. @girardinl @linewireink What happens after content goes viral. Does it really make a difference? Or get forgotten? #npmc
  135. I have a page full of notes and so many new ideas! @mo_flow #npmc
  136. @JohannaSedgwick Smart peeps on this chat, right? Amazed you managed to take notes alongside. :) #npmc
  137. @tippingptphoto Sprout Social will answer Qs in a Reddit AMA in /r/socialmedia on 6/27 2-5pm CT  http://bit.ly/1k1KrUw  #NPMC
  138. A7 Today I learned info about slider engagement that I am very glad to know #npmc
  139. A7. I'm starting to think @girardinl is an actual encyclopedia. #npmc
  140. A7: My takeaways from #NPMC Chat: @roudenko ‘s infographic day, @getstoried as a resource, #appreciativeinquiry. Thank you!
  141. @mo_flow A7 That use of Google Analytics already was helpful! #NPMC
  142. A7 I've learned that everyone has gotten SO much smarter about strategic measurement. #NPMC
  143. Thank you for a great chat all! Chat archives will be posted soon at  http://ow.ly/qmZRO  People want a July chat? #npmc
  144. @mo_flow I confess: There is smoke coming out of my ears. I may have overtaxed the brain for this #NPMC
  145. @girardinl We sure will! But always happy to answer questions here as well. :) Thanks for checkin' us out, @tippingptphoto! #NPMC
  146. Pencil in the date/time for next #NPMC Chat: Thursday, July 31 at 1 pm ET. If enough interest, we'll do it. Send me topic requests?
  147. @girardinl we feel the goal of viral content is like hunting for a diamond in a mudbath, its nice if it happens but its not the goal #npmc
  148. I've learned that I should come back again! Such great ideas & info. Thanks @NPMarCommunity #npmc
  149. It is great to hear about what other orgs are doing across the country and to get more idea :) and do's and don'ts! #npmc
  150. @mo_flow Unfortunately I am away in Prince George ... thanks again for #NPMC :)
  151. @mo_flow Yes to July! Already on the calendar. Biggest thing on my mar/com plate these days is sponsor relations... #NPMC
  152. An amazing chat, thanks to @mo_flow for hosting! I'll be writing a recap to share on @NPMarCommunity in the coming weeks. #NPMC