#NPMC Chat: May 29, 2014

Keeping up with content production [#NPMC chat]

  1. Welcome to #NPMC chat, everyone! Our topic today: keeping up w/content production  http://ow.ly/xoSC6 
  2. Let’s start with introductions. Please tell us a little about you. Even if you think you’re going to be quiet, pls say hello! #NPMC
  3. Plz bear w/ my multitude of tweets for the next hour. I'll be talking about #contentmarketing as part of #npmc - #nonprofit #marketing chat!
  4. Hi #npmc! I'm Marissa, the New Media Producer for @npcommunicator. Happy to talk #contentmarketing with you all!
  5. Hello #npmc am nonprofit Director of Communications in the Washington DC area
  6. I’m Marlene Oliveira, of Nonprofit MarCommunity and #NPMC chat. Also copywriter & communications consultant to nonprofits.
  7. Hello! We're Community Media Workshop, a #communications nonprofit based in #Chicago that helps the community tell their stories. #npmc
  8. I signed into the wrong account! :/ #npmc
  9. Awesome group already and welcome to others coming in. Let's get started. #NPMC
  10. Hi everyone! I'm Kelly, mktg specialist for a small nonprofit. We're not on twitter yet, so I don't have an @ to share lol #NPMC
  11. Q1. Who is responsible for content creation at your org? Marketing, communications, internal experts, ‘content owners’...? #NPMC
  12. Excited to take part in my first #NPMC and see what it's all about!
  13. Laarni here from @Springtide_VAW and most recently, @CACHC_KE. Looking forward to the chat! #npmc
  14. A1 we have a balance between Marcom staff and designated program/service staff. #npmc
  15. Please excuse my temporarily excessive tweets. Joining #NPMC chat on #nonprofit content marketing and communications!
  16. For those new to #NPMC chat, we’re using Q/A format - we post questions using Q1, Q2, etc. You respond by using A1, A2, etc. Thx!
  17. A1. Our comm dept, but we rely on program staff for stories from the front line. #npmc
  18. Pardon my feed for the next hr, will be participating in the Non Profit Mark/Comm #npmc chat, hosted by @mo_flow. Come join the convo!
  19. A few minutes late, but happy to join the #NPMC conversation this morning!
  20. A1 mostly me. classic nonprofit multi-tasking. #npmc
  21. A1 I'm a consultant so don't have an org, w/clients: mix internal experts & marcomm/public affairs & ED for success #NPMC
  22. @StateofDMG here from Pulmonary Hypertension Association for my first chat #NPMC
  23. A1) me. I find it's usually a comm director, marketing coordinator. The thing abt #nonprofits is every staffer wears many hats! #npmc
  24. @sburket Yes, same here, I handle marketing, communications, and several other things. Lots of hats. #NPMC
  25. A1 The relevant program staff create content with heavy editing and reworking for channels from me. #NPMC
  26. @lsalberts What's your magic trick for getting program staff to share those stories? #NPMC
  27. From first few responses to Q1, content coming from mar com and sometimes, programs/services #NPMC
  28. @sburket Same here! I look to staff for story ideas, but it's mostly me producing all the content #NPMC
  29. I just got a question about using Instagram as a platform to create & distribute content. Can we address this later? Anyone have tips? #npmc
  30. A lot of responsibility for content production falling on communicators. So Q2 is...#NPMC
  31. @girardinl I just ask. Most of the time they bring stuff to us, then we create the content. They're on board, so the buy-in is there. #NPMC
  32. Q2. How have you successfully set content production priorities? How do you decide what to produce? #NPMC
  33. @StateofDMG That's often the case. Program staff or others can't quite write "right" for online audiences. Any training plans? #NPMC
  34. @marissapaige great! Yes, let's discuss and I'll pose to group again later if necessary. #NPMC
  35. @lsalberts I think many of us are envious of the buy-in you have. That's excellent! #NPMC
  36. @lsalberts That's impressive, you've broken down the silo! #NPMC
  37. A2. quarterly planning meetings with staff involved (program & marcom) to sort out themes, targets, objectives. annual plan #npmc
  38. A2 Our audience varies by platform so try to put up content relevant to each audience. #npmc
  39. A2: marketing/comms plan and activities schedule. also be prepared to respond in case of a news item or hot topic. #npmc
  40. A2 You gotta have an editorial calendar to plan content around org events & milestones, plus hooks yr audiences care about! #NPMC
  41. a2) Content calendars are lifesavers. You know what gets posted when, & make sure to cover messages connected to campaigns. #npmc
  42. @StateofDMG That's similar to how it works for me @HealthConnctOne - program content, my edits/reworks, their approval. #NPMC
  43. @girardinl You wouldn't happen to know where we could find a template? ;) #NPMC
  44. @girardinl @Kelgon I have monthly meetings with the head of our programs. Could you guys coordinate something like that? #NPMC
  45. A2) We use google docs to create a content calendar. But here are some samples & templates!  http://ht.ly/xoV9z  #npmc
  46. MT @NPMarcom A2 quarterly planning meetings w/staff (program & marcom) on themes, targets, objectives. annual plan #npmc <Fantastic process!
  47. a2: also set specific mar/com goals and objectives - diff but in line with org's long/short term strategic plan. #npmc
  48. Great to hear that most are establishing plans to prioritize and then implementing based on those plans #NPMC
  49. @girardinl #NPMC Do writing for the web training & mentor staff. I try to progressively get them to do more & perfecting a couple things.
  50. A2. I literally hung a dry erase content calendar by my desk - small staff likes consensus - accessible, color coded #NPMC
  51. @marissapaige that's what we use with our designer who is not on staff. It helps prioritize her workload as well. #npmc
  52. @Kelgon I find that when they know you expect news/updates from them, they deliver! #NPMC
  53. @lsalberts @Kelgon Peer pressure of seeing other teams produce ideas & get resources put toward promoting their program helps too! #NPMC
  54. @SeattleSeneca A calendar is so simple, and yet so overlooked. :) #npmc
  55. Q3. What strategies are you using right now to keep up with content production? (ex. good planning, reusing, recruiting team, etc.) #NPMC
  56. A2 we have an editorial calendar with regular slots for a variety of content to ensure not always just asking for something #NPMC
  57. @girardinl HAHAHA I never thought of "peer pressure" as a motivational tool! #npmc
  58. @lsalberts Hi! Glad to see you here, too :) Running late from a meeting. #NPMC
  59. @StateofDMG Nice approach! Grant writing, program writing & writing for external online audiences are quite different. #NPMC
  60. MT @mo_flow: Q3. What strategies are you using right now to keep up with content production? (ex. good planning, reusing, etc.) #NPMC
  61. @marissapaige Peer pressure, competition, bribery, coercion...you'd think I worked in for profit! :) #NPMC
  62. A2 We get a lot of input from our community with questions & advisory boards for what they want & watching analytics. #NPMC
  63. Q3 Planning helps for sure. Also linking to staff goals related to performance evaluations. Regular reminders are still necessary.:) #npmc
  64. a3: haha lots of wordsmithing, re-using what you've got, diff versions of same msg (for diff audience/platform) #npmc
  65. @lsalberts @LBCollab So glad to hear that. We send it out into the wild each year, then love hearing that it's useful! #NPMC
  66. A3 A mix of content creation & curation. Remixing content into new formats. Resurfacing old content at the right time. #NPMC
  67. A3 - multiple people creating content. It gives us different voices to reach different audiences. #npmc
  68. A2 we also write around themes for the month, like associated disease awareness months, and highlight our related resources #NPMC
  69. A2 we use Google Calendar for our editorial calendar. makes it accessible by all #NPMC
  70. @npcommunicator @laarniparas I've found you have to rework it though, our audience tends to tune out if it is the exact same. Yours? #npmc
  71. A3 I make sure most content can be re-purposed to cover all of our platforms #NPMC
  72. @SeattleSeneca This is super smart. It's like you're setting up a one-on-one conversation for each audience! #NPMC
  73. A3 I am constantly trying to recruit interested staff writers and get them more engaged in their writing so my editing/writing is less #NPMC
  74. @SeattleSeneca @npcommunicator @laarniparas We'll often post different bits of a story or message on different channels. #NPMC
  75. @StateofDMG Can you expand a little on "writing around themes for the month" - how far ahead in advance do you plan for that? #npmc
  76. @StateofDMG That's the best advice: Use an editorial calendar that's shareable & whatever tool team is willing to use. #NPMC
  77. @SeattleSeneca Do u have multiple audiences? Or 1 primary? #NPMC
  78. A3 We have deadlines a week in advance and pre-schedule to make management less hectic #NPMC
  79. MT @StateofDMG: A3 I am constantly trying to recruit interested staff writers so my editing/writing is less #NPMC
  80. Q4. What would results look like in your community with greater content production? What would be different? #NPMC
  81. A3. Always seeking new ways to gather story - photo? video? Written Q&A? Phone call for quick quote? - to fit storyteller. #NPMC
  82. @StateofDMG Do u do keyword research for these? Had a client tie external monthly theme to Google Adwords = amazing results #NPMC
  83. @Kelgon we're trying to target different groups, i.e. reaching a younger audience, or folks that don't typically go to a concert. #npmc
  84. @OPgrrl So, you've created a sort of "transmedia" storytelling plan? #npmc
  85. @girardinl I like the idea of competition. That has worked for other things in our office. I should try it for content creation. #NPMC
  86. A4. I would hope greater levels and more meaningful community engagement #npmc
  87. @marissapaige There are SO many different ways to answer your question about a transmedia storytelling plan! {grins} #NPMC
  88. late to the #NPMC but I don't have much to add: great ideas here on sourcing content, tho!
  89. @OPgrrl now I'm intrigued & excited. "Transmedia" is my favorite buzzword. #npmc :)
  90. A3 we often re-purpose for different channels. timing each around the same time helps with that. #NPMC
  91. @marissapaige @OPgrrl I'm over "transmedia" as I'm also over "internet of things" and "big data" but I burn out on buzzwords easily :) #NPMC
  92. A4 All programs/departments would be well represented #NPMC
  93. @girardinl "Big Data" I agree with. Because I don't get it. ;) #npmc
  94. A4 For most orgs I've worked with: Less panic. More proactive, intentional content that's connected with goals. #NPMC
  95. @marissapaige I get Kivi's monthly writing prompts & add other relevant dates. I contact staff a few weeks out to plan & schedule. #NPMC
  96. @mo_flow recently (on @cmsucks ?) on 'getting away fm pdf's'; my biggest pet peeve of 'our' website. No control over site =frustrating #npmc
  97. @marissapaige Truth is my "transmedia" plan = seat of my pants. Program team got jazzed on our Twitter chats tho, so I have more help. #NPMC
  98. So more content/better ability to keep up = better quality content, meaningful community engagement, entire org rep'd, less panic #NPMC
  99. A4: more new content. also making use of still relevant, though older resources. ppl will turn2us for #VAW content #NPMC
  100. @girardinl hadn't thought of using Google Adwords for monthly themes, but interesting idea #NPMC
  101. A4 long term we want to create dialogue for the whole community. #NPMC
  102. Q5. What do internal players need to *believe* in order to get involved/make content production a bigger priority? #NPMC
  103. @mo_flow @serenevistas yes! shared the 'get away from pdfs' article & many agreed. Still, glacial decisionmaking the rule :( #npmc
  104. A4: honest engagement of younger audience + corporate ppl, bringing the org into 21st century :) #sustainability #NPMC
  105. a4) success for me = more audience engagement. RTs, follow-thru with calls to action. #npmc
  106. A5: AHHH! they need to believe in value of mar/com activities, think outside the box, try new things, LEARN, grow. #npmc
  107. @StateofDMG Yes, some of are pretty heavily searched by ppl who r looking for exactly the resources yr highlighting. Get that traffic! #NPMC
  108. A4 better results oriented strategy using analytics more #NPMC
  109. @girardinl @mo_flow yes:all our info is a mass of pdfs (grrrr) Our constituents are Really Inflexible & understand that format best #npmc
  110. A5 Sometimes you need to spend some money, not just time, to create really great content. #NPMC
  111. @SeattleSeneca @laarniparas Yes. Different platforms have different audiences, & folks that follow you everywhere want diff content #npmc
  112. @SeattleSeneca @laarniparas So re-working content for diff audiences is definitely part of our content production strategy, too! #npmc
  113. @SeattleSeneca Agreed. I believe Edutopia decided to pay some blog writers bc saw that quality writing really paid off #NPMC
  114. A5 You have to mix the old w/ the new bc content is shared in lots of different ways now & all ways can bring success #NPMC
  115. A5. need to believe value of engagement, buy in to goals/objectives, see big picture, understand their role. #npmc
  116. A5 they need to believe it's helping them in some way to accomplish their goals so it's worth their time #NPMC
  117. Q6. How can you model innovation, value of investment, results orientation in the way you develop/deliver content? #NPMC
  118. A5 they need to believe they can do it, it won't take much time, they will have help, and they won't look stupid #NPMC
  119. @laarniparas Agreed! Unless u want to fail, it really is about trying new things, learning & growing #NPMC
  120. Does anyone have any favorite content creation tools that save time & money? #npmc
  121. A6: be open to explaining your work, 'don't leave anyone behind'. use diff strategies to talk to your supporters:) #NPMC
  122. @OPgrrl Still curious about how you spread your stories across platforms. :) #npmc
  123. @marissapaige so much! Daily nap times, champagne water fountains, you know how it is. #NPMC
  124. We've got a couple of #NPMC comedians here, for sure.
  125. A6 I think you need to have some measurement of success to keep on with programming or make some adjustments. #NPMC
  126. @Kelgon @StateofDMG That "Won't look stupid" thing is key. Gotta think about ppl's psychology, personal barriers to buy in #NPMC
  127. A6: be a marketer for your own work..not just content :P. #selfadvocacy #NPMC
  128. Great points about walking the talk: show measurement of success, learn and adapt, be open to explaining your work. #NPMC
  129. @marissapaige Mostly I mean: House main story on blog/website/YouTube, & tease with variety of excerpts on other platforms. #NPMC
  130. @laarniparas Hard to do, but necessary. I am learning slowly #NPMC
  131. A6 Know the "Why" for each piece of content. Why this content/story/messenger? Why now? Why this measurement? #NPMC
  132. @OPgrrl Can you send me a URL with an example of your "tease"? :D #npmc
  133. @OPgrrl @marissapaige I like this approach because then main story page is like a landing page & each excerpt is a marketing tool #NPMC
  134. Our time is almost up. Any key learnings? #NPMC
  135. A6 Have all the details ready to go. Be prepared to answer any question/concern about your work #NPMC
  136. Q7. What stood out for you in today’s chat? What do you want to put into practice? #NPMC
  137. @mo_flow @marissapaige more along lines of design/layout:  http://lucidpress.com ; pull out numbers/stats and storify around them #NPMC
  138. A7 The chats always make me feel better that so many others go through the same things as I do! #NPMC
  139. #NPMC key learnings: Google Adwords for monthly themes, inspire (incite?) competition for good content ;) ...
  140. #npmc that went by fast! Thanks everybody for the insights & suggestions!
  141. @girardinl @OPgrrl @marissapaige #NPMC This is our strategy too: post the main, wordy or detailed stuff on the site; link via twitter et al.
  142. Thanks everyone - great chat as usual. best of luck to all! happy content marketing! :) #npmc
  143. Content production transparency FTW! MT @mo_flow Walk the talk: show measures of success, learn & adapt, be open to explaining yr work #NPMC
  144. The chat was great! Thanks everyone for the good content production tips! #npmc
  145. @mo_flow @marissapaige We plan to implement a blog tool that will allow us to populate to various places. Looking at WordPress #NPMC
  146. @Kelgon Yes, me too! I feel like maybe i know what i'm doing when i chat with you all here & hear similar experiences to mine #NPMC
  147. Thank you everyone for a great chat! Chat archives will be posted soon at  http://ow.ly/qmZRO  #NPMC
  148. A7: that the #NPMC chats are welcomed and needed :).
  149. @mo_flow Thank you for hosting. Excellent chat! #NPMC
  150. Save the date/time for next #NPMC Chat: Thursday, June 26 at 1 pm ET. Topic: setting content mktg goals and measuring effectiveness #NPMC
  151. Lots of great insights today. Now it's off to that nap time I mentioned earlier. ;) #NPMC
  152. A7 I learned that we're all doing things much more effectively than just a few years ago! High sophistication. #NPMC
  153. Thank you everyone for your insights! And thanks to @mo_flow for hosting monthly #NPMC chats! Happy Thursday everyone. #timeforanap lol
  154. @StateofDMG @mo_flow @marissapaige Wordpress is fantastic. You won't regret it. So user friendly, don't need to be a developer to use #NPMC
  155. Save the date/time for next #NPMC Chat: Thursday, June 26 at 1 pm ET. Topic: setting content mktg goals and measuring effectiveness #NPMC
  156. After an hour enjoy reading the chat, i got some tools to work on! Thanks @laarniparas @StateofDMG #npmc
  157. Special Thanks to @marissapaige @npcommunicator for spread the word about the chat! It was awesome! #npmc
  158. @mo_flow, thanks as always for another fun, informative #NPMC!