Which offline communication channels still work for your nonprofit? [#NPMC chat]
Whether you’ve been a part of #NPMC Twitter chat from the beginning, or dropped into the conversation a few times, you’ve probably noticed that many of the chat topics focus on digital marketing and communications. We’ve discussed everything from social media and blogging to websites and Google tools. But what about offline communication channels?
Many nonprofits still use offline communication channels, for example:
- Newspaper advertisements
- Bulk mailings
- In-person events or presentations
- Print materials such as brochures and rack cards
…and consider them an important part of our job.
Which offline channels are still relevant?
Which channels are you still using and why? What makes those channels relevant compared to their digital counterparts? In many cases, offline methods are the best way to reach certain audiences, especially those without regular access to the web. Other times, they offer the most straight-forward way to convey your message, like sending a brochure home with school students who just toured your organization. And while we sometimes have acceptable reasons, sometimes we can’t let go of bad habits, either.
How can we make smart decisions about offline communication channels?
So how can we make sure we’re using offline channels effectively? What factors add to our success? One major consideration is cost. In a recent study, 56% of nonprofit marketers said they feel a lack of budget is the biggest challenge they face. With many offline channels costing both time and money, nonprofits have to decide if their efforts will be worth it. Another consideration is timing. Digital channels allow us to be more spontaneous and fluid. Digital channels also allow us to post, plan, and schedule months ahead, but offline channels require more attention to timing.
Let’s talk about offline communications during April’s #NPMC chat
Do offline channels have you celebrating the traditional, or running back to your computer screen? Join the conversation! Share your questions, successes and ideas during the next #NPMC Twitter chat on Thursday, April 30 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Follow the #NPMC hashtag on Twitter.